Prepare for the Future

An innovative approach to pension saving that is open to self-employed individuals and corporate entities

The Universal Retirement Fund (URF) has the potential to offer capital appreciation. The Fund invests its assets in investment grade equities (of local and international companies), bonds and high-income securities with significant income potential.

What is the potential investment return?

Returns on the URF are directly linked to the returns on the investments in the URF. These investments consist primarily of equity securities (instruments that undergo value fluctuations over time). The future returns of the investments made are related to several variables that ultimately determine the average returns for the period.

The net asset value (NAV)

The URF is both value-based and investment-linked, allowing investors the potential to benefit from the maximum value of their investment in the Fund rather than some pre-determined amount using such methods as the final pay, flat benefit or career average formulae.

The value of your investment is your unit balance multiplied by the NAV or unit price. This price is related to the market value of the investments made by the Fund.

Can I make withdrawals?
  • Death (beneficiaries must submit relevant documentation)
  • Permanent disability (medical reports must be provided)
  • Home acquisition (based on five-year membership, covering10% of the purchase price, once it does not exceed 50% of the member’s accumulation [one application per member], and withdrawal either at the age of 50 years or five years after entry, whichever is greater)

Withdrawals outside of these circumstances are limited to the individual’s capital contributions or net asset value, whichever is lower. All earnings will be deferred until retirement age.

What happens when I retire?

Upon retirement, investors can benefit from any of the following options:

  • Full accumulation
  • Lump sum plus periodic withdrawals
  • Periodic withdrawals

Investors choosing this Fund also invested in: IRUA, Growth & Income Fund, TT$ Income Fund

Disclaimer: InvestorS should consider a Fund’s investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses carefully before investing. This and other important information can be found in the Fund’s prospectus. Obtain a prospectus from our website or at any of our UTC Investment Centres and read carefully before investing.