You will need:
- Minimum of one form of valid identification — National ID card/driver’s permit/passport
- Proof of address — Utility bill*/bank statement (no older than six months)
*If the utility bill is not in your name, please provide a confirmation of residence letter from the owner, along with a copy of the owner’s ID (back and front). We will not accept any cellular/mobile or utility bills that did not require a direct installation at your place of residence. If you are renting, please provide the rental agreement or your last rental receipt no older than one month from the date of your appointment).
- Original bank statement — This must be on an original bank letterhead, identify the bank address and branch contact information, and have the original authorisation signature of a bank official (signed and printed), and should be no older than six months
- Banker’s reference — This must be on an original bank letterhead (electronic versions will not be accepted), addressed to the UTC or to you, the customer (“To whom it may concern” is not acceptable), and state that the banking relationship is current and has existed for at least one year
- Confirmation letter from current employer — This must be in the name of the unitholder
- Income tax return
- BIR Notice of Assessment (from previous year)
Employed unitholders abroad also need:
- A job letter/pay slip (no older than one month)
Employed unitholders in Trinidad and Tobago need:
- Confirmation of residency/approval to reside in Trinidad and Tobago
- Authorisation to work